Nuestro trabajo
Esta es tu página de proyecto. Es una gran oportunidad para ayudar a los visitantes a comprender el contexto y los antecedentes de su último trabajo. Haga doble clic en el cuadro de texto para comenzar a editar su contenido y asegúrese de agregar todos los detalles relevantes que desea compartir.

Trails, roads or certain areas may be unavailable due to unforseen circumstances. Check local weather forecasts, and the official website or social medial channels of your destination.

Plan And Prepare
Permits may be required for entry, camping, certain activities or transportation. Also having, and knowing how to use the appropriate gear for your activity could make or break your experience. Have a back-up plan in case your destination or activity are unavailable.

Build An Inclusive Outdoors
Historically, outdoor recreation and access to outdoor-spaces have been systematically exclusive, and rooted on stolen land. We must dismantle barriers to the outdoors while increasing inclusivity and equity for all seeking connection in and with nature.

Respect Others
Given record visitation to public, private, and tribal lands and waters, it's important to remain understanding, respectful, and open to learning about from others. Especially regarding understanding and respecting indigenous land & water stewardship.

Leave No Trace
The guidance found in the seven Leave No Trace principles aide in understanding how to minimize your physical imprint upon sensitive ecosystems or cultural resources.
Learn more at LeaveNoTrace.org

Make it Better
Though we may want to minimizing our physical impact on nature - we can all make a big impact on how we care for the outdoors together. We can take our love of the outdoors with us where ever we go and take action to protect the places we love.